Friday, 06 July 2018 16:15

President of the Parliament of Montenegro hosts the leaving Hungarian Ambassador

- Montenegro and Hungary have excellent political relations, as confirmed by frequent high-level meetings - it was concluded during the farewell visit of the Hungarian ambassador to Montenegro Mr Kristijan Poša to the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović.

President of the Parliament thanked the Hungarian Ambassador for his excellent cooperation, as well as for his genuine and committed contribution to further improvement of the overall relations.

The interlocutors noted that the two countries had good economic cooperation, but also that there was significant room for further strengthening and deepening of ties in many areas.

Voicing his great satisfaction that, within the duration of his mandate, Montenegro had become a NATO member and thus fulfilled one of its foreign policy goals, Ambassador Poša pointed out that Hungary would continue to strongly support Montenegro’s European integration process in the upcoming period.

