Monday, 09 July 2018 16:05

Compliments to Montenegro at the OSCE PA Annual Session

- We had very interesting meeting with the Speaker of the Parliament. We have very good cooperation with Montenegrin legislative body, and the Speaker is very active; members of the delegation quite often take part in our activities.  Parliamentary Assembly is keen to work more on the Balkans, to be more active, and of course with Montenegro which is quite advanced among other countries - as a member of NATO, as an invitee to the European Union. It will be integration process even faster, we hope so, and we wish so to Montenegro. This  will bring to the country more cooperation, more peace and a better life, OSCE PA President Mr George Tsereteli said, after his meeting with  President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović, who is heading a parliamentary delegation at the 27th Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Session, taking place in Berlin. 

Similar messages of support were also heard in a conversation with OSCE PA Secretary General Mr Roberto Montella.

- We also discussed the return of the opposition to the Parliament, and the OSCE has always called for participation, we are honouring democracy and we thank the President for assuaging and for making sure that this happens.

- The OSCE Mission to Montenegro is very strong, providing advisory support to reform processed in the country and we appreciate the fact that Montenegro cooperates with the Mission in a very constructive and progressive manner - the OSCE Secretary General said.

The past elections and further improvement of the election process were the topics of the conversation of the President of the Parliament and ODIHR Director Ms Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, who noted that a huge progress in Montenegrin election environment was obvious as well the intent of the Montenegrin government to continue dealing with it, which is not the case in all states. President Brajović thanked for the previous support of the ODIHR in all phases of the election process and expressed his expectation that this support would continue in the following period. He announced further work on improving electoral legislation by the next parliamentary elections in 2020.

The President of the Parliament also met with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the new Government of Italy Mr Guglielmo Picchi, who reiterated Italy's strong support to Montenegro’s European integration.

President Brajović also participated in the meeting of the Silk Road Support Group of the OSCE PA, Montenegro being one of the 17 founding states. The Support Group for this initiative currently has 23 countries, and yesterday France joined as well.

The delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro attended the reception hosted by President of the Federal Republic of Germany Mr Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

The topic of this year's OSCE PA session is “Implementing OSCE Commitments: The Role of Parliaments” and it has gathered representatives of the parliaments from 56 OSCE participating states. In addition to President Brajović, the delegation of the Parliament in Berlin consists of MPs Ms Aleksandra Vuković and Mr Nikola Rakočević.

The annual session of the OSCE PA is held every year in July and consists of sessions of the Standing Committee, three general committees and plenary sessions of the Assembly.

The Parliamentary Assembly has become one of the most significant OSCE institutions, taking on an increasingly greater role in the field of democratic development and election observation. As a unique forum of parliamentary diplomacy, the OSCE PA gathers more than 300 parliamentarians from 56 participating countries, encourages the strengthening of international cooperation to fulfil the OSCE's obligations in the comprehensive security concept consisting of political, military, economic, ecological and human dimension.

OSCE Berlin - footage




Statement - Mr George Tsereteli


Statement by President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Mr George Tsereteli - translation


Statement - Mr Roberto Montella


Statement by Secretary General of the OSCE PA Mr Roberto Montella - translation
