Thursday, 12 July 2018 14:12

Congratulatory message of the President of the Parliament on Statehood Day

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has sent a congratulatory message on 13 July - Statehood Day of Montenegro:

“In times of global democratic, geopolitical and economic challenges, Montenegro, as never before in its turbulent past, has resisted to dilemmas and misconceptions, and remained calm and collected and committed to the Euro-Atlantic and European path. This decisiveness and commitment have given results in diplomatic and economic plans, so the citizens, as individuals, as well as economic communities and companies, already feel benefits of the correct decisions of the contemporary Montenegro.

The 13 July - Statehood Day of Montenegro must not be a jubilee only but also a duty to mark successes, and to register the shortcomings of the work done, in order to improve the models and activities in the valorisation of existing and finding new potentials, both at the local and national level.

By cherishing the 13 July we also cherish both the past and the present, but also provide the signposts for future and modern Montenegro, whose foundations are built on the victims of liberators and visionaries, who opened to us and our families the door of freedom, independence and prosperity.

In that name, I wish a happy Statehood Day - 13 July to all citizens of Montenegro”.