Monday, 16 July 2018 13:15

President of the Parliament hosts MEPs

At today’s meeting with MEPs, held ahead of the 15th Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee (SAPC), which is being held today and tomorrow in the Parliament of Montenegro, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has emphasised the importance of intensive dialogue and continuous exchange of views with the aim of better understanding and strengthening of partnership relations.

Co-Chair of the SAPC meeting Mr Peter Kouroumbashev, who is also heading the EP delegation, stressed the fact that a long path has been crossed and noted remarkable progress during the past year.   Mr Kouroumbashev welcomed the participation of the opposition parliamentarians in the SACP, their return to sessions of the Parliament of Montenegro and expressed his hope that other MPs would do the same, because - according to him - that is their primary task.

Despite the failure to adopt the law on MPs and councillors due to the non-participation of the opposition, the importance of adoption of the part of ODIHR recommendations and achieved improvement of the election environment was underlined. 

Montenegrin and European parliamentarians noted the importance of enlargement policy and focus on the Western Balkans by presiding and other members of the EU.

The meeting was attended by chairpersons of Montenegrin committees on constitution and European integration - Mr Miodrag Vuković and Mr Adrijan Vuksanović, as well as Chief Negotiator for Montenegro's Accession to the EU Mr Saša Drljević.