Thursday, 19 July 2018 12:44

President of the Parliament opens the regional conference on NATO


“The first Montenegrin NATO year was marked by the establishment of the national policy directed towards further progress and values of developed democracies, development of partnership and good neighbourly relations, further work on strengthening the rule of law and economic progress” - President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović said at the opening of a regional conference “All for one one for all”, organised by the Alfa Centre and dedicated to NATO membership issues of the Western Balkans countries. 

“I would like to emphasise the responsibility of politicians for making important decisions for the future of their country. We are the government that has given itself the task to continuously inform its public about the facts and promote the importance of strategic partnership with the most developed countries in the world. We are the politicians who openly talk about our commitments, risks and plans. The majority of Montenegro understood this and did not pander to animosity of a part of the public with regard to Alliance membership. Citizens' support to wise choices and open access is not lacking. We, the ruling coalition, are pleased by that, but that also additionally obliges us, the President of the Parliament said and continued:  

“Ever since 2006, when we joined the Partnership for Peace, there were various dilemmas regarding the future membership of Montenegro in the Alliance. Aside from the basic question:  what is going to happen when we become the 29th member, the dilemma was how our membership would affect relations in the region? We already have the answer. In the world, and especially in the region, Montenegro's role in promoting the stability of interstate relations has been recognised. Our NATO membership is an incentive to the region and shows how the efforts of a persistent small Balkan state give a result "- Mr Brajović concluded.  

Speech of President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović

Speech of President Brajović



Footage: Regional conference “All for one one for all”

