Friday, 03 August 2018 08:26

President of the Parliament congratulates Municipality Day of Plužine

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, extended a congratulatory message on the occasion of 4 August, Municipality Day of Plužine, to its citizens and local government:

"The town of Plužine and Piva Region keep throughout history a memory of the difficult and good times with the result of great sacrifices, but also of the development, and today they can be proud of their tradition and heritage, when they celebrate the Municipality Day. Highlander mentality that knows no giving up or giving in, only the eternal struggle for freedom and existence, has produced an impressive number of scientists and artists, but also business people and political and social workers, who left a deep creative trace in Montenegro and beyond. Plužine with its hydropower, forest and agricultural potentials, as well as intact natural beauties, has imposed itself as a serious and competitive town for foreign and domestic investors to invest in, development of agricultural and other kinds of rural economies, as well as an unforgettable experience for foreign and domestic tourists.

On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and my own behalf, I congratulate to you the Municipality Day of Plužine – 4 August."