Sunday, 12 August 2018 08:33

President of the Parliament congratulates Municipality Day of Mojkovac

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has congratulated Municipality Day of Mojkovac, marked on 13 August, to the citizens and the local leadership:

“The town which has been marked as inevitable on economic and trade maps, but also as a symbol of resistance and suffering through many wars and plagues in our turbulent history, today is keeping pace with democratic and economic development of Montenegro at Euro-Atlantic and European path.  Bearing in mind prudence and belief in the future as a character and the dominant feature of highlanders even in the most difficult times, I believe that Mojkovac and its citizens will be able to use the opportunities provided by economic, agricultural and tourism potentials, and in cooperation with line ministries, provide the necessary conditions for valorisation of the started and planned projects, which are necessary for progress and safe existence in the town below mountains of Sinjajevina and Bjelasica.

In that name, I wish you a happy Municipality Day of Mojkovac – 13 August.“