Tuesday, 04 September 2018 16:50

President of the Parliament of Montenegro receives the German Ambassador in a farewell visit

During the farewell visit of Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Montenegro Mr Hans Günther Mattern, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović thanked for the German support to Montenegro’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration, as well as for the contribution of Ambassador Mattern to the development of the relation between the two states.

During the conversation, they talked about the importance of parliamentary dialogue on all issues of interest of the state and citizens represented by MPs. Interlocutors agreed that the Parliament, as the highest instance in the decision-making process, reflects the electoral will of citizens and that all political actors should show their responsibility in the efforts to adequately express this will.

President Brajović also reminded of the meaningful conversation he recently had with President of the Bundestag Mr Wolfgang Schäuble during the OSCE Session in Berlin.  

Mr Brajović expects that the FR of Germany will continue to support the enlargement process and provide help to Montenegro in fulfilling the criteria for EU membership.

