Wednesday, 12 September 2018 15:43

President of the Parliament receives inaugural visit from the newly-appointed German Ambassador

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has received inaugural visit from new Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Mr Robert Heinrich Weber.

President Brajović thanked for the support of the Federal Republic of Germany to Montenegro’s NATO membership as well as for the continuous assistance in European integration of our country.  He noted that intensification of political contacts at the highest level had outstanding significance for strengthening of the political and economic cooperation of the two countries.

Ambassador Weber stressed that Montenegro represented a great change in the Balkans, due to the fact that it has no problems with its neighbours, it’s a NATO member and devoted to European integration.  He said that Germany was a friend of Montenegro, who will continue to support its membership to the EU.

The interlocutors agreed the membership in the EU depended on individual progress of every candidate country.

