Wednesday, 12 September 2018 15:48

President of the Parliament of Montenegro hosts the new Chinese Ambassador

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has received inaugural visit from new Ambassador of the People's Republic of China Mr Liu Jin.

The interlocutors agreed that the two states had excellent relations, which should be further developed. They particularly stressed the importance of the planned dynamics in building the priority section of Bar - Boljare highway, as the greatest infrastructural project in Montenegro. 

President Brajović thanked for the support of the PR of China to Montenegro and understanding of its needs, which, among other things, is reflected in numerous donations in the field of infrastructure, health care, etc.  The President of the Parliament reminded of the active engagement of our country in 1+16 Mechanism as well as “Belt and Road” Initiative.

As for parliamentary cooperation, the interlocutors stressed the need for more intensive cooperation through friendship groups, while the recent establishment of the friendship group in the National People's Congress will contribute to this end.

The Chinese Ambassador pointed out numerous possibilities for the economic cooperation of the two countries, which would improve the friendly and partner relationship of Montenegro and China.    

