Thursday, 27 September 2018 16:31

President of the Parliament receives the Charter of Excellence

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today has received the Charter of Excellence and silver statuette on behalf of the World Festival of Poetry “Eminesku – Njegoš”, held in Podgorica from 25-30 September. Upon the proposal of great Romanian poet and cultural worker Mr Jon Deakonesku, the Charter was awarded as a “sign of respect in renewing the independence of Montenegro, as well as cherishing identity values and encouraging the development of Montenegrin institutions of culture”.

With gratitude for the award and recognition of his devotion to identity issues, the President of the Parliament said that dealing with identity issues demanded permanent and persistent work, without impatient expectation of fast and visible results, as well as that “the most productive reflection of identity is through artistic creations”.

He emphasised the importance of highly-valued manifestations of culture and the need for their organisation in the whole Montenegro.   

Academician Deakonescu said, among other things, that regardless of the borders between states and position on historical development, culture unified the states and nations.

Aside from Romanian academician Mr Deakonescu, the delegation of the Festival was composed of academicians Mr Dmitro Čistjak (Ukraine), academician Mr Jeton Keljmendi (Belgium/Kosovo), academician Mr Sreten Perović, Deputy Major of Podgorica Mr Slađana Vujačić and the Secretary of the Secretariat for Culture and Sports Mr Nela Savković – Vukčević.


The reception of the delegation of the World Festival of Poetry “Eminescu - Njegoš”

