Wednesday, 03 October 2018 16:12

After Brussels the new NATO PA President starts her term by visiting Montenegro

- Montenegro attaches great importance to parliamentary democracy, we are active members of the NATO PA and other parliamentary organisations and we are very committed to parliamentary dialogue at all levels - President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović said at the meeting with newly-elected NATO PA President Ms Rasa Jukneviciene.

Ms Jukneviciene emphasised that Montenegro was the first state she visited after assuming the office of the NATO PA President on 24 September. He said that parliament was the most important institution in democratic states and praised Montenegro’s clear devotion to NATO membership and European integration.

The role of NATO is to protect democracy and living style of each member state, by understanding global political circumstances, Ms Jukneviciene stressed.

The interlocutors agreed that membership in both - NATO and the EU were very significant for Montenegro, particularly bearing in mind the leadership role of Montenegro and its contribution to good neighbouring relations and stability in the region.

President Brajović thanked to Ms Jukneviciene, coming from Lithuania, for understanding and firm support of the state to Montenegro’s integration processes.

The meeting was attended by MP Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić, Chairperson of the Security and Defence Committee and Deputy Head of the Parliament of Montenegro’s delegation to NATO PA, whose engagement and cooperation in this organisation was emphasised by Ms Rasa Jukneviciene.  

VIDEO: President of the Parliament hosts newly-elected NATO PA President

