Saturday, 27 October 2018 08:04

Congratulatory message of the President of the Parliament on the occassion of the Municipality Day of Herceg Novi

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, extended a congratulatory message on the occasion of 28 October, Municipality Day of Herceg Novi, to its citizens and local government:

"Herceg Novi and its citizens, noble keepers of the Mediterranean treasure - Boka Kotorska, have since time immemorial inherited historical, architectural and cultural legacy, envied on by both people living near the coast and mainlanders. Herceg Novi has all the prerequisites to quickly get the contours of a modern city, located on prestigious tourist maps, despite having development problems like other cities in Montenegro.

Thanks to its extraordinary resources, I believe that Herceg Novi will soon become a peaceful and safe harbour for tourists and investors from all over the world, as well as a peaceful place for the safe existence of its citizens.

On that behalf I congratulate to you the Municipality Day of Herceg Novi – 28 October."