Thursday, 01 November 2018 11:57

President of the Parliament holds a speech on the occasion of Day of Public Prosecutors of Montenegro

Here is the integral speech of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović:

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,

Mr Stanković,

With the renewal of its independence, Montenegro established a constitutional system based on the principles of freedom, democracy, equality, and rule of law. Our society, supported by the public institutions, fosters the values of developed democracies. No less important is the respect of traditional values and the best components of Montenegrin past: justice, humanity, veracity, bravery, respect for both one’s own and other people’s possessions...

All links in the chain of public institutions have their own speciality and responsibility. They all go through different stages of social and systemic challenges. Thus the prosecution office also adjusts to circumstances and demands of the time. It has gone through a lot of changes and reforms. I believe that time brings changes, and people - individuals bring reforms and that one cannot go without the other... Here and elsewhere, that individual has virtues and faults. To which he is entitled... unless he is a prosecutor. A prosecutor is one of the personifications of justice and truth. A prosecutor must be a person of reputation, honour, bravery, and freedom. That is what you have chosen and I congratulate you on this conscious renouncement of human weaknesses and needs, because not everyone is capable of that.

There is folklore that the wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine. I believe that people have the right to a belief, but prosecutors do not; prosecutors must, in good times and in bad, enforce and execute obligations and responsibilities determined by the Constitution and laws. Must protect the state and citizens. Because, in the prosecution office, the results are only reachable and visible with commitment and hard-work.

There is support from the Parliament of Montenegro. The legal solutions provide: a higher degree of autonomy and independence in their work; ethics and publicity of work; introduction of the institute of the Special Public Prosecutor and other significant models for better work results of prosecutors. The introduction of the Prosecutorial Council raised the degree of accountability and motivation to a higher level.

However, just like in all areas, with new challenges the bar must be raised higher. That is achieved both with necessary patience and relentless striving. Because no one can beat time, but it escapes many. The work of the prosecution office is not based on hypothetical theories, but on solid evidence, considerable experience, and unconditional cooperation with other credible institutions and individuals.

In our young democracy, you wisely and consistently prove that cooperation is the response to international pressure, openness is the response to media pressure, and professionalism is the response to internal pressure. That is the only right path of a prosecution office and a prosecutor. There can be no results without cooperation, no trust without openness, and no valuable individuals without professionalisation.

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, in a nutshell, the goals of the Parliament of Montenegro and Montenegrin prosecution office are the same: adoption and achievement of highest professional standards; secure and peaceful existence of all citizens of Montenegro and their property;  protection of movable and immovable heritage of Montenegro - priceless legacy that forms our identity and culture.

In the end, I want us to be jointly committed to progress and the future of our state and all its citizens.

In that name, I wish you a happy Day of Public Prosecutors of Montenegro.

Ivan Brajović