Tuesday, 06 November 2018 14:14

President of the Parliament hosts Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, hosted today the delegation of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, headed by Ambassador Ms Maryse Daviet, with whom he discussed the forthcoming activities of the Committee on further reform of electoral and other legislation, as well as other topics of interest for the work of the Parliament.

Mentioning the establishment of the Committee as an example, President Brajović emphasised the active and constructive attitude of MP groups with the common goal to further strengthen the confidence of citizens in the electoral process, which once again showed the political maturity of the Parliament. The consideration and implementation of the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations, obtained after the parliamentary and presidential elections, will be one of the most important tasks of the Committee, the President of the Parliament stressed.

The head of the OSCE Mission welcomed the establishment of the Committee, with the participation of the ruling majority and the opposition, as well as the non-governmental sector and the academia. Ambassador Daviet offered OSCE expert assistance both in the part of legislation that the Committee will be dealing with, as well as in the part of strengthening the capacity of the parliamentary service as a support of the work of MPs.

President Brajović expressed his satisfaction once again with the excellent cooperation of the Parliament of Montenegro with the OSCE and its Mission in Montenegro, as well as the OSCE PA, their reliable and constructive partnership in processes of importance for democratic reforms in our country.

