Friday, 09 November 2018 08:15

President of the Parliament to receive Resolution of the Youth Science Forum

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, will address participants of the Youth Science Forum on Saturday, 10 November, at the closing ceremony and receive the Resolution prepared during the debate.

In order to strengthen scientific literacy and democratisation of the knowledge-based decision-making process, Montenegrin Science Promotion Foundation PRONA is a participant in the major European project Youth Science Forum (OMNAF) within Horizon 2020. This is a project in which around sixty high school students from different parts of Montenegro simulate the work of the parliament in order to learn about democratic processes and highlight the importance of involving young people in decision-making processes.

Youth Science Forum of the PRONA Foundation is organised with the support of the Ministry of Science and the European Commission - Horizon 2020.

The closing ceremony will be held on Saturday, 10 November, at the Multimedia Hall of the Sports and Cultural Center of the University of Montenegro, at 14:15 and it is open to the media.