Thursday, 29 November 2018 15:48

President of the Parliament talks with resident ambassadors in Montenegro

- In the next two years of our mandate, the parliamentary life will be dynamic and will help to accelerate the adoption of European standards with the aim of improving the quality of life of our citizens. I am pleased to state that once again we demonstrated the ability to preserve political stability, despite numerous challenges put before us, said the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, among other things, at the annual meeting with the heads of diplomatic resident missions in Podgorica. The meeting was also attended by MPs - chairpersons of parliamentary working bodies.

President Brajović reminded that the outcome of local and presidential elections showed that citizens supported the policies of the ruling coalition.

- In addition, by showing great patience we have successfully overcome the attempts to delegitimise the Parliment and diminish its functionality. We brought back confronting of different policies and opinions to the only place where it should be - in the Parliament - Mr Brajović said.

Speaking about the work of the Committee on Further Reform of Electoral and Other Legislation, the President of the Parliament pointed out that "we have once again confirmed that the Parliament is a place for dialogue and agreement and a reflection of the responsibility of all members of the Parliament who participated in the drafting and adoption of the decision on forming this temporary working body".

President Brajović also spoke about the international activities of the Parliament, and the participants were also informed about data on the number of adopted laws, plenary sittings and working bodies held, as well as other important events organised by the Parliament of Montenegro.

Ms Ana Janković, the Ambassador of Austria to Montenegro, also addressed the participants on behalf of the presiding country of the Council of the European Union, stressing that 2018 was the year important and successful for Montenegro, Austria and bilateral relations between the two countries. Speaking about the European perspective of Montenegro and the Western Balkans, Ambassador Janković cited the Federal Chancellor of Austria who said that "the EU will be complete only when the countries of the Western Balkans join."

- Therefore, I would like to assure you once againg today that Austria, even after completing its presidency of the EU Council, will fully support the accession efforts of Montenegro and other Western Balkan countries. Montenegro should make use of this momentum and devote itself to the necessary reforms with full commitment and engagement.

The Ambassador of Austria congratulated Montenegro on its achievements since the restoration of independence. She said that Austria and the European Union have highly appreciated the modernisation and democratisation in the country, and above all active and constructive good-neighborly politics.

Speaking about the presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Ambassador pointed out that this was and still remains a very challenging task for Austria. One of the priorities of the presidency was further approximation of this region to the European Union, and this regarding we are proud of great results – Ms Janković said. She stresses parliamentary cooperation as an important segment of support for further democratisation and reminded that the Austrian Parliament President, Mr Wolfgang Sobotka, announced yesterday in the Parliament of Montenegro the new fellowship program to be organised by the Austrian Parliament, intended for employees in the highest legislative house in our country.

The opening remarks were followed by the a discussion with ambassadors.


President of the Parliament with resident ambassadors in Montenegro



Speech of the President of the Parliament, Mr Ivan Brajović



Speech of Ms Ana Janković, Ambassador of Austria to Montenegro

