Tuesday, 04 December 2018 12:51

President of the Parliament hosts delegation of the Parliament of Turkey

- Intensified parliamentary diplomacy of Montenegro and Turkey will contribute to strengthening the good overall relations between the two countries, both politically and economically – it was concluded at the meeting of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, with the delegation of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, headed by the Chairman of the Committee, Mr Volkan Bozkir.

President Brajović expressed his satisfaction with the first visit of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Turkey to Montenegro during the history of relations between the legislative houses of two countries. He stressed the importance of economic cooperation being high on the agenda of bilateral priorities, as well as of the willingness of Turkish investors to consider the possibility of investing in less developed areas of our country.

Chairman of the Committee, Mr Bozkir, expressed his satisfaction with the readiness of both parliaments for more intensive cooperation, and conveyed the positive attitude of NATO Member States for the entry and past activities of Montenegro in the organisation. The focuss of the meeting was on the integration process of the two countries towards the EU and the importance of enlargement with new members, both because of the stability of the regions of the candidate countries, as well as for maintaining the vitality of the Union.

Regarding the relations between the two countries, the interlocutors agreed that big Montenegrin diaspora as well as students from our country in Turkey represented a sort of bridge of friendship between the two countries.

VIDEO: Meeting of the President Brajović with the delegation of the Foreign Affairs Committee from Turkey

