Monday, 10 December 2018 17:19

President of Parliament meets presidents of the Romanian Parliament

During the upcoming Romanian half-year presidency of the Council of the European Union, it is necessary to use all resources of parliamentary diplomacy in the interest of Montenegro and Western Balkan’s progress towards the EU, but also for the strengthening of economic cooperation between the two countries - this is the conclusion of President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović and his counterparts from both houses of the Romanian Parliament Mr Liviu Nicolae Dragnea and Mr Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu

President Brajović, who is paying an official visit to Bucharest, upon the invitation of President of the Chamber of Deputies Mr Nicolae Dragnea highlighted Romania as the third consecutive state which, after Bulgaria and Austria is presiding the Council of the EU, and which is well aware of the regional developments, supports enlargement and understands the importance of membership of Montenegro and the Western Balkans in the Union. The President of the Parliament voiced expectation that our country would open the last negotiation chapter - 8 in the first half of 2019 during the Romanian presidency of the Council of the EU.

During the conversation with the President of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, the interlocutors spoke on the possibilities for intensifying parliamentary cooperation of the two states, as well as the cooperation in the field of energy, education, tourism and culture.  President Dragnea also stressed the interest for strengthening cooperation at the level of local self-governments.

Montenegro has made the most steps and the fastest progress towards the European Union, and Romania will continue to support it during its presidency as well - President of the Romanian Senate Călin Tăriceanu said at the meeting with President Brajović.

Mr Tăriceanu offered help to Montenegro also with regard to sharing the Romanian European experiences, so that our country could make the most of its development potential. Montenegro and Romania have a joint list of topics and fields where they can improve cooperation - this is the conclusion of the meeting between Mr Brajović and Mr Tăriceanu.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro will also meet other Romanian officials.

VIDEO: Romania - presidents of parliaments

