Wednesday, 02 January 2019 14:21

Congratulatory message on Municipality Day of Bijelo Polje

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, wished the citizens of Bijelo Polje and local officials a happy 3 January - Municipality Day:

"Over the centuries, Bijelo Polje represents a place where diversity meets that makes it a city that can be proud, here and beyond, of the multi-ethnic and multi-confessional harmony and coexistence that have fostered and educated the recognisable and rich cultural and artistic heritage of individuals, institutions and festivals that have carried on the name of Bijelo Polje and celebrated it in the country and beyond.

For decades, Bijelo Polje has been a regional economic and cultural center, with the decisive moves made by the institutions of the state of Montenegro and local governments to competitively oppose resources of the north of our country to the rich southern rivals being the proof that it will stay that way, and with sublimation of potential, and planned investments in road, commercial, agricultural and any other infrastructure, to revive and assess the wealth and possibilities of the Lim valley. This will result in the conditions for the citizens of Bjelo Polje to stay at the hearths of their ancestors, and build their existential and life security in their own city.

On that behalf, I wish you a happy Municipality Day of Bijelo Polje – 3 January."