Tuesday, 15 January 2019 16:03

President of the Parliament ends official visit to Andorra

- Parliamentary cooperation, as a very important part of the overall relations between Montenegro and Andorra, has been on a constant rise, providing many opportunities for sharing knowledge and experiences. With Andorra we cooperate within the Conference of Small European States, like with other countries with population of less than a million. I also met with the Prime Minister, and the ministers of foreign affairs and economy, with whom I exchanged views on the political priorities of both countries, as well as the opportunities for economic cooperation. Montenegro moves towards membership, while Andorra builds its special relationship with the European Union in accordance with its needs and goals. Andorra has showed sincere readiness to make its resources available for the support to the development of tourism in our country, especially winter, where there existed insufficient use in relation to natural resources. I remind of the fact that the World Cup is held in Andorra and it gained the title of one of the most prestigious ski and tourist destinations in a relatively short time. There are excellent projects in Andorra in the field of sustainable development, the application of which should be considered in our country, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, concluded, at the end of the visit to the Principality of Andorra, upon the invitation of the Speaker of the General Council of this country, Mr Viçenc Mateu Zamora.

President Brajović met with Prime Minister, Mr Antoni Martí, the Foreign Minister of Andorra, Ms Maria Ubah Font, as well as the Minister of Economy, Mr Gilbert Saboya Sunyé. Officials of Andorra congratulated Montenegro on its achievements since the restoration of statehood in 2006, the wise state policy and the achievement of goals including membership in NATO and the dynamic flow of EU membership negotiations. Interlocutors agreed that small countries in terms of area and population are obliged to make additional efforts in their development, as well as to achieve cooperation that can serve as an example in Europe. A step forward in this path will also be the Olympics of sportsmen of small European countries, as well as the meeting of businessmen that will be held in late May in Montenegro.

President Brajović expressed his gratitude to Andorra for the recognition of Montenegro only 13 days after the restoration of statehood, as well as the regular participation of representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Andorra in the Summer School for Young Diplomats in our country.

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Press statement of the President of the Parliament, Mr Ivan Brajović

Video coverage Andora