Tuesday, 22 January 2019 12:02

President of the Parliament congratulates Journalists' Day of Montenegro

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has congratulated  Journalists' Day of Montenegro - 23 January, marked in memory of 23 January 1871, when the first issue of the Montenegrin newspaper “Crnogorac” was printed in Cetinje:

“Distinguished journalists,

I deeply believe that media freedom everywhere, and first of all in Montenegro, which is our house and home, should be an image of advanced democratic society, despite the temptations and abuses that exist in all times, even in our own.

I am positive that we are all privileged to be a part of the digital age, particularly journalists, because never before information has been so available and fast, and as a consequence - selection and usage have never been so challenging and responsible.  However, journalistic ethics and objectivity, despite quantity, must find their way out as pure quality for the benefit of all of us. By protecting reputation, professionalism, and creativity of their profession, Montenegrin journalists protect  themselves, making thus their media and our society better and fairer place for life and existence.

State institutions share the interest of the media to contribute to accurate and timely provision of information to our citizens, and to receive other appropriate media contents. Mutual support of state institutions and the media, especially journalist - that everybody should be better in their job - is our joint task.      

In that name, I wish you a happy Journalists’ Day – 23 January.“