Wednesday, 23 January 2019 18:53

President of the Montenegrin Parliament the first official in the Macedonian Assembly following the constitutional changes

- I would like to congratulate you on your historic decisions that have opened the door of Euro-Atlantic family to Macedonia, and allowed the continuation of the European path. You have provided a strong contribution to the stability of our region and promotion of true values.  You have confirmed once again, by your own example, that the Western Balkan countries can resolve even the most difficult problems diplomatically and peacefully. Traditionally friendly relations of our states in the period of numerous challenges in the region set an example of excellent bilateral cooperation, while the intensity of political contacts at the highest level reflects closeness and friendship of our states - President Ivan Brajović stressed in his address to the parliamentarians and diplomatic corps at the ceremonious sitting of the Macedonian Assembly, convened in honour of his visit to Skopje. President Brajović is the first foreign official who has addressed Macedonian parliamentarians after the adoption of constitutional changes. At the same time, this is the first official by a President of the Montenegrin Parliament to Macedonia since the renewal of Montenegrin independence in 2016.

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro also reminded that President of the Macedonian Assembly Mr Talat Xhaferi had chosen Montenegro as a destination for his first bilateral visit. President Brajović expressed his wish that the Parliament of Montenegro gets an opportunity to ratify the NATO Accession Protocol for Macedonia as soon as possible, and thus, as he stressed, welcomes this country with open arms as the 30th Alliance member.

-  With its experience from Euro-Atlantic and European integration path Montenegro is at your disposal, and I can assure you that our country is your reliable partner - President of the Parliament Mr Ivan Brajović concluded.

In his press statement after the meeting, Speaker of the Macedonian Assembly Mr Talat Xhaferi said that Macedonia and Montenegro have no open issues, the countries have the same strategic and foreign policy priorities, which create prerequisites for further strengthening of parliamentary and economic cooperation. The Speaker of the Assembly informed the President of the Montenegrin Parliament on the latest activities of his legislature, placing an accent on the fulfilment of conditions from the Prespa Agreement, believing in its positive outcome.

- I would like to thank for Montenegro’s strong support to our NATO integration, which is our national interest. In this way we will achieve regional stability and create conditions for intensifying regional cooperation, in order to open new perspective for our citizens with good opportunities and new projects, said, among other things, Mr Talat Xhaferi. He also reminded of the statement by President of the European Council Mr Donald Tusk who said that Montenegro’s negotiation agenda was a positive example in the region, and that in the future period an accent should be on the strengthening of parliamentary cooperation for the purpose of exchanging experiences, beneficial for the upcoming period.

President Brajović today has also met other top officials of the Republic of Macedonia - Prime Minister Mr Zoran Zaev, President of the State Mr Đorđe Ivanov, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Nikola Dimitrov and members of Parliamentary Group of the Macedonian Assembly for cooperating with the Parliament of Montenegro.

Prime Minister Mr Zoran Zaev stressed that Montenegro’s successes during the last years have motivated and encouraged the Republic of Macedonia for its further progress.

- Membership of NATO as well as every success of Montenegro in its negotiation process with the EU were also celebrated in Macedonia - Mr Zaev emphasised.   They noted that European integration must be based on the individual merits of every country, whereby reform processes are almost equally important as the ultimate goal - membership of the regional countries in the EU. All interlocutors noted that excellent political relations should be accompanied by the strengthening of economic cooperation, since there is a great potential in this field.

Address by President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović at the ceremonious sitting of the Macedonian Assembly 

Press statement by Speaker of Macedonian Assembly Mr Talat Xhaferi after the meeting with President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović

Footage - Macedonia



Address by President Brajović in the Macedonian Assembly



Press statement by the Speaker of the Macedonian Assembly



Press statement by the President of the Parliament

