Thursday, 31 January 2019 17:06

Chairperson of the Parliament speaks with Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today has hosted Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro H.E. Mr Aivo Orav, discussing with him the topical issues in our country, with an emphasis on the upcoming parliamentary activities.

The meeting discussed further work of the Committee on Further Reform of Electoral and Other Legislation and possibility for scheduling an extraordinary sitting of the Parliament, as publicly announced by the opposition. President Brajović stressed that the request for scheduling an extraordinary sitting of the Parliament hasn’t been submitted yet. The extraordinary sitting can be initiated by the president of the state, prime minister or at least 27 deputies.

In the period before regular spring session, the Parliament of Montenegro is continuing the preparation for the intensive legislative work - President Brajović stressed.

VIDEO: Meeting Mr Brajović - Mr Orav

