Friday, 08 February 2019 09:33

President of the Parliament at Prayer Breakfast and numerous meetings in Washington

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has continued his visit to the USA by participating in a panel: Western Balkans: How to Overcome Obstacles on the Road Toward the EU, organised by Transatlantic Leadership Network.

- Montenegro has never had dilemmas about the value system to which it belongs.  We have clearly established the path that we want to follow. We have set the goals that we want to achieve - membership of NATO and the EU.  -   In 13 years since the renewal of independence, we have achieved visible progress.  Out of all candidate states, we have progressed the most in the negotiation process, therefore we expect to become the first next member of the EU. Countries of the Western Balkans, with the support of the USA and the EU, must be strengthened institutionally and economically in order to develop tools for deterring and defending themselves from hazardous influence of certain states which do not share the same values. You have a very significant role here - to keep the attention of Washington on our region, since you are proven friends of the Western Balkans. The USA must remain present in our region - not to solve our problems instead of us, but to prove that they are interested in the future of the region within the EU and NATO, where all the Western Balkan countries naturally belong – President Brajović emphasised, among other things.  

Separate meetings that the President had with Congresswoman Chellie Pingree and Congressman Mike Gallagher were an opportunity to emphasise once again the importance of the US-Montenegrin partnership and further strengthening of friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries, especially in the economic area.

Congresswoman and Co-Chair of the Montenegrin Caucus in the US Congress Chellie Pingree stressed that Congress strongly supported Montenegro to persist in strengthening its democracy and on its path towards the EU.

Congressman Mike Gallagher, as a member of Congress delegation to the NATO PA, emphasised the importance of further strengthening of Euro-Atlantic partnership, which he strongly supported.

The President of the Parliament spoke with senior experts of the Atlantic Council, at the round table, chaired by the executive Vice-President of this organisation David Wilson, about the current political situation in Montenegro and the situation in the Western Balkans. President Brajović particularly emphasised the commitment of our country to Euro-Atlantic values and the fact that Montenegro has shown through its actions that it is a reliable and credible partner. Emphasising the importance of further enlargement of the EU, he presented Montenegro's progress in the European integration process, saying that our country was already acting as a member of the Union, bearing in mind the full compliance of our foreign policy with the EU's common foreign and security policy.

President Ivan Brajović and Vice President Branimir Gvozdenović took part in the 67th National Prayer Breakfast, traditionally held with the participation of the President of the United States, gathering a large number of American and world officials this year.

President Brajović finished his visit to Washington by taking part in the Voice of America programme, which will be followed by his conversation with President of the United Nations General Assembly María Espinoza in New York and a meeting with representatives of Montenegrin emigrant associations.

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Western Balkans: How to Overcome Obstacles on the Road Toward the EU – President of the Parliament of Montenegro in Washington, 7 February 2019

USA – day two




