Saturday, 09 February 2019 11:49

Meetings with UN President and Montenegrin emigrants wrap up the visit to the US

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović met in New York with President of the United Nations General Assembly Ms María Espinosa.

President Brajović conveyed Montenegro's readiness to contribute constructively and actively to the UN priorities, stressing the importance of cooperation with the UN system in meeting international obligations, protecting and promoting human rights, and achieving the goals of sustainable development. Speaking of the regional developments, the President emphasised that Montenegro was a prime candidate in European integration process of the Western Balkans, presenting the best guarantee of stability and development.

During the conversation, President Espinosa stressed the importance of national parliaments’ role in implementing UN policies, adding that the UN highly appreciated Montenegro, which sets an example to others by its good neighbourly policy and commitment to the UN values.

The interlocutors agreed on the necessity of strengthening efficient multilateralism, which may respond to contemporary challenges in line with basic principles of the UN.  In this context, they particularity discussed the UN structural reforms with the aim of revitalising and modernising the Organisation, for the purpose of achieving the necessary compromises on issues of global importance.  With regard to recently achieved agreement between Macedonia and Greece, the interlocutors jointly assessed that only by active participation of all regional sides, and with the support of regional community, sustainable solutions and long-term stability and peace can be achieved.

President Brajović ended his visit to the USA by meeting representatives of Montenegrin emigrants in New Year, including representatives of “Fondacije Gusinje“, “Euro Gusinje“, “21. maj Njujork“, “Bošnjački savez Crne Gore u Njujorku“, “Golf klub Montenegro“ and “Primorje Bar“. President Brajović stressed the importance of regular contacts with diaspora for the purpose of discussing important issues for emigrants and strengthening cooperation in many areas in order t to achieve balanced regional development of Montenegro.

VIDEO: Mr Brajović with the UN President and emigrants

