Monday, 04 March 2019 15:16

President of the Parliament hosts the CEI Secretary General

- Parliaments of the Central-European Initiative have an important role in accomplishing the mission of the Initiative, where the further European integration takes a special place, as well as addressing the challenges that some of the Western Balkan countries are facing - this is a joint conclusion of President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović and Secretary General of the Central-European Initiative (CEI) Mr Roberto Antonione at today’s meeting in the Parliament.
During the talk with the newly-elected CEI Secretary General, President Brajović expressed conviction that in the following period the Initiative would further strengthen the role of credible regional organisation, devoted to the promotion of European integration and sustainable development of the region, whereby Montenegro would give its contribution as it was the case so far.
The CEI Secretary General emphasised Montenegro’s active role in the region, its good neighbourly policy, whose experiences and proposals are precious in conducting the mission of the CEI.
The interlocutors agreed that the enlargement process must be continued, in order to stimulate progressive forces in candidate countries, and provide long-term safety and stability to the region and entire Europe.

