Sunday, 01 January 2017 12:56

Mr Brajović sends a letter of condolence to Mr Kahraman regarding the attack in Istanbul

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Bajović has sent a letter of condolence to Mr İsmail Kahraman, Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, with regard to the attack on citizens who celebrated New Year in the Reina nightclub, Istanbul.


“Terrified by the insidious attack on the Reina nightclub in Istanbul, let me offer you, on behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and on my own behalf, the deepest condolences to the government, people and families of victims, and wish a speedy recovery to the injured.  

Montenegro and its citizens strongly condemn this terrorist act and express solidarity with the Republic of Turkey and its citizens in these difficulty and painful moments.” - says the letter of condolence of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro.