Tuesday, 19 March 2019 11:28

Conference of Presidents/Speakers of Parliaments of the Adriatic & Ionian Initiative opens

Today in Budva, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has opened the 16th Conference of Presidents/Speakers of Parliaments of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative, within our country’s annual chairmanship of this Initiative.

President Brajović pointed out that Montenegro, as a Mediterranean country for which Adriatic sea represents a significant developmental resource, was especially interested in a more intensive participation in this Initiative, bearing in mind previous positive experiences and potential for regional cooperation, as well as the support of the EU. 

- Montenegro is continuously strengthening its institutions, aware that it is in the interest of each of its citizens, as well as the development of a society as a whole. That is why I believe that primarily we, as the elected representatives of the citizens, should contribute to the strengthening of institutions by acting within them, as well as achieve our goals by constant improvement of the level of democratic culture. I believe that it is also one of the common denominators and interests of all our countries and societies. Acting within institutions is a proven value of developed democratic countries, and the parliaments are - you will agree - unequivocal fora for exchanging opinions and implementing ideas with the observation of adopted procedures and rules - pointed out the President of the Parliament of Montenegro. 

Speaking of the integration process of the countries in the region, President Brajović said that there were no doubts in our region with regard to the European perspective of all participants in the Initiative:

- Member states of the Adriatic & Ionian Initiative have different levels of development, economic features and perspectives, as well as achieved levels of democracy. However, membership in the European community of peoples is our common denominator. Both our similarities and our differences are significant for further prosperity and stability of Europe as a whole. I am convinced that with synchronised action we can create a prosperous region, attractive for investments that would ensure economic and social growth and support the integration of the Western Balkans in the EU - said, among other things, President Brajović.

Prime Minister Mr Duško Marković also spoke at the opening.

The Conference is attended by presidents/speakers or vice presidents/deputy speakers of parliaments of nine members states of the Initiative:  Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Northern Macedonia, and Greece. In addition to the host, President of the Parliament Mr Ivan Brajović, participants from Montenegro also include MPs and Minister of  Foreign Affairs Mr Srđan Darmanović, Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism Mr Pavle Radulović, and Minister of Culture Mr Aleksandar Bogdanović.

pdfComplete speech of President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović

Speech of President Brajović



16th Conference of Presidents/Speakers of Parliaments of the Adriatic & Ionian Initiative



Session 1 - cover footage 

