Tuesday, 10 January 2017 19:30

Meeting Mr Brajović - Ms Boldrini: New models of cooperation will additionally strengthen relations

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović, who is paying a working visit to the Republic of Italy, on the occasion of the adoption of the NATO Accession Protocol for Montenegro, has met in Rome today President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Ms Laura Boldrini. 


During the talk with President Boldrini, President Brajović thanked to Italy for their strong support regarding Montenegro’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration, and expressed satisfaction by the adoption of the NATO Accession Protocol for Montenegro in the Italian Parliament, which is an incentive for Montenegro and confirmation of its clear orientation towards the values of developed democracies.

- We truly nourish good neighbourly relations and foster regional stability, Mr Brajović said, emphasising that Montenegro is becoming increasingly respected member of the international community, which is a great achievement for our country.

Ms Laura Boldrini voiced satisfaction by the adoption of the Protocol in the Italian Chamber of Deputies and stressed that Italy remained open for providing support to Montenegro in the future on its European and Euro-Atlantic course, both at political and expert level.

She warmly congratulated to Mr Brajović on the election for President of the Parliament of Montenegro.

President Boldrini positively assessed dynamics and quality of meeting European obligations, and emphasised that through a complex process of negotiation and adoption of the fundamental values of the EU itself, Montenegro would have the opportunity to further strengthen its capacities. 

The interlocutors emphasised that relations between the two countries have been traditionally friendly, and expressed conviction that the two parliaments would strive to establish new models of cooperation in the following period, which would additionally strengthen mutual relations, particularly in the part relating to support to Montenegro’s negotiation process as well as specific projects which can be beneficial for the citizens of the both countries.  

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović sent an invitation to President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Ms Laura Boldrini to visit Montenegro as soon as possible.


Statement by President Brajović during the first day of visit to Rome

Youtube: https://youtu.be/gMET52apTBs

Cloud: https://skupstina.erp4.me/index.php/s/sJv414G1ImxXDU5

Meeting Mr Brajović - Ms Boldrini

Youtube: https://youtu.be/_GX_sjhCPvE

Cloud: https://skupstina.erp4.me/index.php/s/BHMYqlWToXQvMme