Monday, 08 April 2019 18:20

President Brajović in Vienna Conference speaks about EU and its neighbours

- We understand that the EU needs to eliminate causes of the crises it is experiencing and also to consolidate itself internally. But we do not think that these problems will be solved by stopping or significantly slowing down the enlargement policy, which we see as the most successful policy of the EU.  On the contrary, we believe that the consolidation process within the EU and the joining of the countries which share the same values are two complementary processes, since they are mutually conditioned and must take place simultaneously if the European Union wants to be a stronger, more efficient and more attractive alliance for the existing and new members. If the EU were to set aside the integration process for a better time sometime in the future, we would face the danger of different political influences which are contrary to the aims of the European Union. This would result in the weakening of Euro-enthusiasm among candidate countries and creation of beneficial conditions for the forces which cherish anti-European values.  The consequences of such policy will be felt not only by our countries but also by the Union itself.  Therefore, we think that the enlargement process is a strategic path for Montenegro, our region and the entire Europe.  Whether this is going to be so, does not necessarily depend on us - pointed out, among other things, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović during a debate dedicated to the EU and its neighbours at the Conference of Speakers of the European Union Parliaments, which is being held in Vienna, 7-9 April.

President of the Parliament said that, in addition to the internal reforms, good neighbourly cooperation and harmonisation with the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union, Montenegro was ready to provide its small, yet not negligible, contribution to the European family of nations:

- We have a millennium long duration and history, we managed to preserve inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony even in the most difficult times, we have abundant natural resources, and we devotedly implement reforms important for a better standard of living of our citizens.  Membership of the Western Balkans in the European Union is important not only for strengthening the stability of our countries, but for the entire European continent as well.  The enlargement brings economic, social and security benefits both to the new and the existing members - concluded President Brajović.

During his bilateral meeting with President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Mr Roberto Fico, President Brajović pointed out the significance of good cooperation of the Parliament of Montenegro with both chambers of the Italian Parliament, which in the previous period had strongly supported the European integration of Montenegro through numerous activities. President Fico highlighted good publicity of the recently held Conference of the Adriatic Ionian Initiative in Budva, which is also expected from the upcoming Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the region and the European Union in Podgorica, which will be attended by the representatives of the Italian Parliament.

The interlocutors also agreed that, in addition to the important existing industry projects of Montenegro and Italy, further enhancing of economic cooperation should be continued. At the meeting they discussed the European path of Montenegro, political and economic developments in the two countries and the region. They also pointed out the significance of Montenegrin excellent good neighbourly policy, bearing in mind that it had advanced the most on its European path compared to the other aspirant countries.

Following the meeting, President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Mr Roberto Fico said:

“It has been a significant and very interesting meeting. In the future we could have very significant contacts, as well as administrative, political, cultural and economic exchange with Montenegro, which is making steps forwards and has a large number of open chapters for EU accession.”

In the continuation of the Conference, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro has numerous bilateral meetings ahead of him with speakers of the European Union parliaments.

At the Conference, there will also be a discussion on “The European Union ahead of the 2019 European elections - further development of cooperation between national parliaments and European institutions”.

Technical information for the media: By 16h on Tuesday 9 April, materials from bilateral meetings will be sent.

Speech of President Brajović



Statement - Mr Roberto Fico



Footage - Vienna Conference and bilateral with Italy

