Monday, 15 April 2019 11:58

President of the Parliament opens Conference of Young Parliamentarians of EU and Western Balkans

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, opened today the Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the European Union and the Western Balkans, organised by the Montenegrin Parliament and the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants. The opening of the Conference was attended by the President of the Government of Montenegro, Mr Duško Marković, and the atendees were addressed by Mr Srđan Darmanović, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

- We serve as an example of the harmony between nations, religions and cultures. We are the most energetic promoter of European values in the region and the country that has results of full compliance with the positions of common foreign and security policy of the European Union. We are a European country that is trying to live according to European values. We confirm on all occasions to be reliable and credible partner. Regional cooperation and good neighborly politics are one of the pillars of our foreign policy. Thus, we can say without hesitation, we achieve continuous successes that are reflected in very good relations with neighbors and the region on a wider scale. This is a part of the Montenegrin tradition, as well, which is congruent with the values of united Europe – said the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, among other things.

Bearing in mind the key role that national parliaments play in democratic processes in countries aspiring to join the European Union, as well as to be close to those who are already members of the Union, the President of the Parliament said that by forming a network of young parliamentarians the intention was therefore to move towards a better mutual understanding and strengthening of trust.

- Given that these are processes that should provide for long-term stability and prosperous overall development, our commitment is a result of focusing attention on building contacts and networks between young female and male colleagues. Certainly, this was also influenced by the fact that a quarter of the current convocation of the Montenegrin Parliament has been composed of eminent female and male MPs aged forty and less – Mr Brajović reminded.

He also said that we had a number of measures ahead of us the goal of which was to create more favorable environment for even stronger economic development, thus confirming the status of the state closest to EU membership.

- The recent history and opportunities in the Western Balkans make our overcoming of efforts even more challenging, and the very path more demanding. We respect and truly accept as an extra value all that we need to do as a future member of the Union. Nonetheless, we consider our European tradition unique and valuable contribution, to make part of the common life of the Union - the President of the Parliament of Montenegro concluded.

The President of the Parliament will today also meet with representatives of delegations from Slovakia, Croatia and Hungary, participating in the Conference.

The meeting of President Brajović with Ms Katarina Csefalvayova, Chairperson of the Committee on Foreign Policy of the Slovak Parliament and Mr Ľuboš Blaha, Chairperson of the Committee on EU Affairs, will be held at 12:30, followed by the meeting with Mr Miro Kovač, Chairperson of the Committee on Foreign Policy of the Croatian Parliament.

The President of the Parliament will meet with Mr Zsolt Nemeth, Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Hungarian National Assembly at 17:45.

After the meetings, press releases and video material will be forwarded to the media.

pdfWelcome address by the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović

Speech of the President Brajović



Video coverage
