Monday, 06 May 2019 13:15

President of the Parliament opens the Third Conference of Honorary Consuls of Montenegro

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today has opened the Third Conference of Honorary Consuls of Montenegro, organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and attended by more than 40 honorary consuls of Montenegro.

In his address, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro thanked the honorary consuls for tirelessly putting their time, reputation, connections and resources in the service of Montenegro, with the assurance that it is “nice to be a representative of a libertarian country, whose thousand-year-old history, as well as its present, oblige us and make all of us proud”.

President Brajović pointed out that, ahead of the 13th anniversary of the renewal of its independence, Montenegro continues to implement reforms that primarily should result in a better quality of life of its citizens.

- Construction of capital infrastructure projects and further development of tourist capacities, whose implementation is ongoing, as well as continuous influx of foreign direct investments are an important drive of further economic strengthening of Montenegro. We must work hard to translate excellent political relations, which we are developing with the countries that share the same values, into stronger economic cooperation. I believe that is the priority of your activity is the strengthening of economic relations of Montenegro and attracting investments from the countries from which you come  - pointed out the President of the Parliament.

Speaking of the parliamentary dimension of cooperation, President Brajović emphasised that it was his duty to point out that parliamentary cooperation was one of the more important aspects of interstate relations.

- Parliaments adopt laws which regulate daily lives of citizens, enable strengthening of institutions and of the rule of law, necessary for the overall successful development of a country. You should always bear in mind that the seats in the parliaments are occupied by the people you have elected and you should use the fact that parliamentary diplomacy is more flexible and more direct - concluded the President of the Parliament of Montenegro.

pdfWelcome remarks by President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović at the Third Conference of Honorary Consuls of Montenegro


Speech by President of the Parliament Mr Ivan Brajović at the Conference of Honorary Consuls of Montenegro  

Conference of Honorary Consuls of Montenegro - footage
