Tuesday, 07 May 2019 15:24

Photography exhibition "Greetings from Romania" opens in Parliament on the occasion of Europe Day

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović and the Ambassador of Romania to Montenegro, Mr Ferdinand Nagy, opened today in the Hall of the Parliament of Montenegro the photography exhibition "Greetings from Romania", by renowned Romanian photographer and director, Mr Florin Andreescu, on the occasion of Europe Day and current Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

President Brajović said that May was the month when we celebrate the Day of Victory over Fascism, the Europe Day as well as the values that the European Union represented, as a promoter of freedom, peace, prosperity, coexistence and cooperation.

- Multicultural, multi-ethnic and multireligious Montenegro has inherited and defended these values from times immemorial. For us, 21st of May is big and important date, when in 2006 we renewed our independence, in a manner characteristic for democratic and developed countries. With this exhibition, the Parliament of Montenegro symbolically marks Europe Day, expresses respect for the friendly Romania that presides over the Union and stresses the importance of cultural, parliamentary and all other relations of our countries – President Brajović pointed out.

He also recalled that the European Union project has been built on the assumption that we could only be stronger together and that national interests would be better fulfilled within the Union, rather than not having been part of it.

- We expect the new composition of the European Parliament and the European Commission, despite numerous challenges, to keep cherishing the enlargement policy among its key priorities. The European path has always been our choice and that is why we would continue to move forward on the path that we have long since set on. Montenegro has always been a reliable ally in the defence of European values, rights and freedoms – the President of the Parliament of Montenegro concluded.

Ambassador of Romania to Montenegro, Mr Ferdinand Nagy, said that the exhibition "Greetings from Romania" was a reminder of 9 May as the day of victory over fascism, hatred and divisions, as well as the day celebrating the new beginning of Europe. Ambassador Nagy said that Romania was part of the European Union, which has been one of the most successful institutions ever established. The presidency of the Union has been great responsibility for Romania, but I am convinced - said the Ambassador of this country - that we have so far fulfilled our duty and that in the end we will be able to submit a report on a successful presidency.

- The exhibition is dedicated also to excellent bilateral relations with Montenegro, this country is our friend and I am convinced that it will soon become member of the European Union. We are here now in the Parliament, which is one of the most important democratic institutions. Once again, I would like to congratulate President Brajović on his efforts and the efforts of the parliament in order to meet all the requirements for joining the European Union and to meet its standards - the Ambassador of Romania to Montenegro concluded.


Speech of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović



Speech of the Ambassador of Romania to Montenegro, Mr Ferdinand Nagy



Photography exhibition "Greetings from Romania" marking Europe Day – video coverage

