Wednesday, 08 May 2019 11:44

Slovakia will continue to be a strong advocate for the European future of Montenegro

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has received Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovakia Mr Miroslav Lajčak, who is paying an official visit to our country in his capacity as the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office.

Voicing his full support to the Slovak priorities of the OSCE chairmanship, President Brajović pointed out that the fact that Minister Lajčak was starting his visit to the Western Balkans countries in Montenegro was the best indicator of how much he appreciated the progress achieved by our country since its independence.     

- We especially appreciate the historic role of the Slovak diplomacy and Minister Lajčak himself during the process of renewal of Montenegrin independence, as well as Slovakia’s unequivocal support and specific assistance to our Euro-Atlantic and European integration. Only the people who are distinctly familiar with the circumstances in our region can rightly understand how important it is to further stimulate the success stories such as Montenegro. Regular exchanges of views at the top level are a confirmation of a joint determination to further enhance the cooperation between our two countries and make it even more meaningful, especially in the field of economy - emphasised President Brajović.

Praising our country’s active engagement within the OSCE, Minister Lajčak said that Montenegro was a leader in reform and integration processes in the region. The Parliament of Montenegro, as a house of democracy, has an important role in the continuation of a genuine and partner cooperation of Montenegro with the OSCE - said the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office. He especially praised our country’s commitment to the human dimension of the OSCE which was clearly recognised in all relevant reports and also announced the continuation of support to the improvement of the electoral environment through the work of the Temporary Committee on Further Reform of Electoral and Other Legislation.

In the context of bilateral cooperation, Minister Lajčak said that Slovakia would continue to be a strong advocate for the European future of Montenegro with which it was developing a genuine friendship and meaningful cooperation. 

The interlocutors pointed out special satisfaction with the development of parliamentary cooperation between the two countries which would be further strengthened with the upcoming visit of President Brajović to Bratislava.

During the conversation, attended by Chairperson of the Legislative Committee Ms Marta Šćepanović as well as the Chairperson of the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration Mr Željko Aprcović, they also discussed current political developments in Montenegro and the Western Balkans countries, as well as the EU enlargement policy.     

Meeting Mr Brajović - Mr Lajčak
