Thursday, 09 May 2019 11:28

President of the Parliament lays a wreath on Gorica hill with a delegation

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today has laid a wreath at the Monument of the Partisan Fighter on Gorica hill together with a delegation, on the occasion of Day of Victory over Fascism.
Deputy Prime Minister Mr Zoran Pažin and Vice President of SUBNOR and antifascists Mr Dragan Đurović were also in the delegation.  
Day of Victory over Fascism and Europe Day were marked in the Parliament yesterday by a discussion on the topic “A century of the rise of fascism - What have we learned?” with the participation of historians, novelists and Montenegrin parliamentarians. For three years in a row, on the occasion Day of Victory over Fascism, upon the initiative of President of the Parliament Mr Ivan Brajović, discussions on the topics of broader social significance are being held.


Wreath-laying ceremony

