Friday, 20 January 2017 15:58

Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro holds its Eight Meeting

Members of permanent delegations of the Parliament to parliamentary assemblies were appointed and it was decided that, until the new Secretary General is appointed, the tasks falling under his responsibility would be performed by Ms Jelena Radonjić.


At its Eight Meeting held today, the Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro appointed members of permanent delegations of the Parliament of Montenegro to parliamentary assemblies of:

NATO, OSCE, and Interparliamentary Union.

In order to strengthen parliamentary democracy and international activities, they also discussed the participation of MPs in international conferences, as well as significant regional initiatives and forums.

At today’s meeting, the Collegium of the President decided that, until the new secretary general is appointed, the tasks falling under his responsibility would be performed by Ms Jelena Radonjić, Assistant Secretary General and Head of the Sector for Support to Legislative and Oversight Functions of the Parliament.

This ensures unobstructed operation of the Parliamentary Service, following the sudden death of the previous Secretary General.

During the meeting, they also discussed the models for increasing the level of effectiveness and quality control of financial mechanisms, which should contribute to rational governance and management of funds from the budget of the Parliament of Montenegro.