Monday, 20 May 2019 11:23

President of the Parliament congratulates Montenegro’s Independence Day

Each new 21st of May, each year when, as of 2006, we mark life in a re-independent state of Montenegro, further confirms the magnificence of the civic achievement that we celebrate for the 13th time.

The 21st of May is one of the dates which is becoming more and more important as the time passes! In just over a decade, Montenegro has formed institutions and established all the complex mechanisms for the functioning of the state. For this short period of time we have become not only internationally recognised state but also a respected country.  We have become one of 29 NATO members, good neighbour in our region and we are, most certainly, a frontrunner in the European integration.

As a democratic state, we foster pluralism of political and all other ideas that make modern civil society.  We should work even more devotedly on achieving social consensus regarding the strategic developmental policies of our state.

I wish a happy Independence Day of Montenegro, convinced that we will celebrate each next 21st of May in all the more successful and rich Montenegro.

VIDEO: Congratulatory message by the President of the Parliament on Montenegro’s Independence Day

