Monday, 27 May 2019 14:38

Montenegro proves itself as part of the European system of values

Upon the invitation by Ambassador of Romania to Montenegro Mr Ferdinand Nagy, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today has attended a meeting of ambassadors from the EU member states. The meeting discussed the outcome of the European elections, enlargement policy, as well as current developments in Montenegro and its progress in the negotiation process with the EU.

In his introductory remarks, the President of the Parliament emphasised that membership of the Western Balkan countries was a precondition for a stable, peaceful and prosperous Europe.

Emphasising its particularities and highlighting the achieved results, President Brajović expressed his conviction that Montenegro presented an added value, able to enrich the European community of nations.

- Montenegro, thanks to the achieved results, is the first in the line for membership and it is not burdened by deadlines. I am convinced that you will agree that with our behaviour and commitment to reforms, we have clearly proved as part of the European system of values - the President of the Parliament said.

In part of his remarks where he talked about the work of the Parliament, the head of the legislative power particularly pointed out that responsibility for efficient exercise of its powers should be shared by all MPs equally.

- On several occasions I said that functionality of the Parliament and quality of its work depend not only on the ruling parties. The responsibility for the effective exercise of all the parliamentary powers, in their full capacity, lies with all parliamentarians equally. I will only remind that the Interim Committee on Further Reform of Electoral and Other Legislation was formed on a parity basis, respecting the opposition requests. I believe that the opposition will show the necessary maturity and readiness so that we can jointly provide the best possible electoral environment and even better election laws - President Brajoviić emphasised.

With the emphasis on the unquestionable will of the authorities to implement reforms even more vigorously, and saying that the parliamentary majority was aware of the expectations of citizens who want to see the tangible benefits of the negotiation process, the President of the Parliament concluded:

- So, we are not asking for privileges and shortcuts to reach our ultimate goal, but we expect an objective view of the results achieved and the given circumstances. A key European policy must not be reduced to a bureaucratic repetition that standards should be met. It is necessary to recognise and appreciate all the particularities and provide specific help in meeting the criteria. The European Union is, first of all, the idea which seeks vision and promotes togetherness. That is why, political forces in the Western Balkans that are truly European deserve unambiguous support.

Emphasising the key challenges facing the European Union during the first Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU, Romanian Ambassador Ferdinand Nagy pointed out:

- As a presiding country, we have chosen a motto “Cohesion, a common European value”, and I believe, dear friends, that only together we can achieve peace and well-being in Europe.  We want a strong, united and cohesive European Union, which operates in a way that no one, no city, nor region remain neglected. In short, better life for everyone.

Speaking of the European elections, the Romanian Ambassador in Montenegro particularly stressed:

- Certainly, the European Parliament will provide a decisive contribution to the European future, as the Montenegrin Parliament shapes the future of your country. Everywhere in the world, parliaments are the most democratic institutions, and an expression of the people’s will. They must be a central point where the good and proper laws for the well-being of the people are shaped and adopted.  It is therefore very important that we have established all decision-makers, starting with the parliaments operating in full and legal capacity.

- Of course, the Montenegrin Parliament plays a key role when it comes to enlargement. The desire of the Montenegrins is to be part of the European Union family. It is a large family with different opinions can exist as it is the case in every family However, we are all at the same table - Ambassador Nagy concluded.

Speech by President of the Parliament Mr Ivan Brajović



President of the Parliament with ambassadors of the EU member states - footage 

