Saturday, 01 June 2019 10:56

President of the Parliament congratulates on the successful completion of the Games of the Small States of Europe

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has congratulated Montenegrin national team on the accomplished results, and the Montenegrin Olympic Committee on the successful organisation of the 18th Games of the Small States of Europe.

“I would like to congratulate the Montenegrin national team in all sport disciplines on their sincere efforts and achievements, and the organisers for the successful organisation of the 18th Games of the Small States of Europe.

At this so far biggest tournament in Montenegro, you all together have shown once again, in deteriorated weather conditions, your talent, sport spirit, organisation capabilities and Montenegrin traditional hospitality.  You were the ones who promoted Montenegro as a sport and tourist community in the best possible way, for which I give you recognition and express my gratitude.“