Wednesday, 05 June 2019 17:32

President of Parliament meets Slovenian top officials

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović, who is paying an official visit to the Republic of Slovenia, and President of the National Assembly of Slovenia Mr Dejan Židan today have noted the importance of meetings between officials from the two countries, in the field of parliamentary cooperation and the exchange of views on key aspects of bilateral relations, regional developments, the future of the European Union and its enlargement policy.

In his statement after the meeting, President Brajović stressed that Slovenia served as a role model to Montenegro on its path to membership in the Alliance, as it is also the case in the EU accession process.  He saw as important the fact that Slovenia appreciates everything that Montenegro has achieved in the 13 years since the renewal of its independence, bearing in mind that Slovenia is well aware of the developments in the Western Balkans.

- If the regatta principle is consistently followed, then Montenegro is certainly the next member of the European Union.  We carefully followed the European elections. I am positive that, like many of our true supporters and friends in the European Parliament, Slovenian MEPs will also take care that the enlargement of the Western Balkans is on the list of priorities of the EP’s and EC’s new composition. - President Brajović said.

President of the National Assembly of Slovenia Mr Dejan Židan said to the media that in the last EC’s Report, containing inputs on what still needs to be done, the EU notes that Montenegro is progressing in the context of the chapter on the rule of law.

- Today, I thanked Mr President for the innovative idea already implemented by the Parliament of Montenegro - the organisation of the Conference of Young Parliamentarians from the EU and WB. I want the accession process to be completed as soon as possible, because it must be the interest of the EU to have as many as possible WB states in the Union.  In this way, we will maintain the stability of the region more easily, encouraging at the same time countries that have not made significant progress so far in the accession process - Mr Židan said.

During the meeting with Slovenian Prime Minister Marjan Šarec, it was emphasised once again that Montenegro and Slovenia had friendly relations and meaningful cooperation which should be additionally improved especially in the economic field. The two countries understand each other excellently because they share a common past, but also the future within NATO and the EU.

-  The European Union, which represents a union of diversity, needs Montenegro, as well as all other Western Balkan countries. The membership of the Western Balkans in the EU is a guarantor of its stability. - Slovenian Prime Minister Šarec said.

President Brajović said that the two countries shared a common history, the closeness of the two nations and the fact that there are no open issues in bilateral relations, which is a good basis for strengthening economic cooperation, primarily in the fields of tourism, food and medicinal herbs, energy, metal industry and others.  

At the meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Miroslav Cerar, it was jointly agreed that the two friendly countries should constantly enriched their relations with new contents. 

President Brajović said that for Montenegro was an important foreign policy partner for Montenegro.

- Aside from strong political support to our European integration, we also appreciate Slovenia's expert assistance in the negotiation process, as well as their assistance during the four-year mandate as NATO's contact point for Montenegro.

- The Republic of Slovenia will continue to strongly support Montenegro on its European path and it will also help Montenegrin continuous efforts to be recognised. Your country is a role model to other countries aspiring to EU membership - Minister Cerar said.

President Brajović and delegation of the Montenegrin Parliament today have also met President of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia Mr Alojz Kovšca, who also reiterated Slovenian full support to Montenegro’s European future.

- South-eastern European countries belong to Europe, and the European Union should do everything to bring these countries closer to itself - President of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia Mr Alojz Kovšca stressed, congratulating President Brajović on successes that Montenegro has achieved since the renewal of its independence.

Parliamentarians Mr Branko Čavor and Mr Danijel Živković, members of the Slovenia-Montenegro parliamentary Friendship Group, were also in the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro visiting the Republic of Slovenia.

Statement by President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović 

Press statement by President of the National Assembly of Slovenia Mr Dejan Židan after the conversation with President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović


Footage - Day one of the official visit to Slovenia



Press statement by President Ivan Brajović



Press statement by Mr Dejana Židana

