Thursday, 06 June 2019 16:57

President of the Parliament in the Slovenian Parliament and with Montenegrin emigrants

On second day of his official visit to the Republic of Slovenia, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović had a joint meeting with representatives of the Committee on Foreign Policy, Committee on European Union Affairs and parliamentarians-members of the Slovenia-Montenegro parliamentary Friendship Group. 

In the Slovenian Parliament, Montenegrin delegation also met representatives of MP groups from Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ), Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) and Alenka Bratušek Party (SAB). 

All meetings confirmed full support to Montenegro’s efforts in achieving its strategic aims, adopting necessary standards for the membership in the European family of nations and creating safe and stable political and economic environment for better living standard of Montenegrin citizens President Brajović assessed as important regular parliamentary cooperation at all levels, particularly emphasising the participation of President of the National Assembly of Slovenia Mr Dejan Židan in the XVI Conference of Speakers of Parliaments of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative in Budva and Slovenian MPs at the Conference of Young Parliamentarians EU – Western Balkans in Podgorica, as well as study visit to the Slovenian Parliament by the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms and the Committee on Health, Labour and Social Welfare.

The President of the Parliament used today’s meetings to present the dynamics of Montenegro's negotiations process with the European Union to the Slovenian counterparts as well as current  political and economic developments in Montenegro. Assessing Slovenian reform experiences as precious, President Brajović thanked MPs of the Slovenian National Assembly for the unselfish help and support that the Republic of Slovenia had continuously provided to the European path of Montenegro. 

The President of the Parliament used his visit to Slovenia for a meeting with the Honorary Consul of Montenegro in Slovenia Mr Vojo Kovač, representative of the Council for Cooperation with Emigrants Mr Remza Skenderović, and with representatives of all associations of Montenegrin emigrants in the Republic of Slovenia. The meeting discussed matters of importance of Montenegrin citizens living in Slovenia as well as developments in Montenegro and in the region.

Parliamentarians Mr Branko Čavor and Mr Danijel Živković, members of the Montenegro-Slovenia parliamentary Friendship Group, are also in the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro visiting the Republic of Slovenia.

VIDEO: Day two of the official visit to Slovenia

