Monday, 10 June 2019 16:29

President of the Parliament talks with head of Czech diplomacy

During his talk with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Mr Tomáš Petříček, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović stressed the importance of further strengthening of the excellent bilateral relations between the two states, with an emphasis on parliamentary cooperation.

President Brajović said that Montenegro appreciated the support by states of Višegrad Group, which would be chaired by Chekia in the second half of the year, since Montenegro shared good political and economic relations with these countries as well as cooperation within NATO. On the other side, the President of the Parliament emphasised, Montenegro strived to provide strong arguments to the countries in order to obtain their support on its European path.     

President Brajović assessed as valuable the exchange of parliamentary experiences and good practice, contributed by the exchange of the visits by respective committees from the Czech and Montenegrin Parliament.

Minister Petříček stressed that Montenegro was an important partner of the Chekia and that parliamentary cooperation should be intensified, while potentials in the fields of infrastructure, renewable sources of energy and tourism should be used.

The interlocutors agreed that enlargement policy, and regatta principle, should remain high on the EU’s list of priorities in its new institutions, as well as that internal reforms and Union’s enlargement were complimentary processes.

The meeting also discussed political developments in Montenegro, Western Balkans and the European Union.

MPs Predrag Sekulić and Boris Mugoša attended the meeting of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

VIDEO: Meeting Mr Brajović - Mr Petříček

