Tuesday, 11 June 2019 13:28

President of the Parliament to present certificates to attendees of Democracy Workshops

“Gorica” villa, 12 June 2019

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović will present certificates to representatives of attendees of educational programme Democracy Workshops “Barbara Prammer”, on Wednesday 12 June 2019, at 12h in “Gorica” villa.

The certificates will be presented to attendees of workshops, who attended them from September 2018 to June 2019. Within this cycle, 151 workshops were attended by 3214 pupils, from 56 primary schools from the territory of the entire Montenegro, from the “Mirko Vešović” Secondary Economic School and “Mehmed Fatih” Madrasah from Podgorica, as well as attendees of the English Access Microscholarship programme.

“Barbara Prammer” Democracy Workshops are an educational programme of the Parliament of Montenegro, within which the children of primary school age learn about: parliamentary democracy, functioning of the parliament, adoption and implementation of laws, and other topics within civic education.

The event is open to accredited media.