Wednesday, 12 June 2019 15:23

President of Parliament presents certificates to attendees of Democracy Workshops

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, presented today certificates at Villa "Gorica" to representatives of 3,214 pupils who had attended educational programme "Barbara Prammer" Democracy Workshops in the Montenegrin Parliament over the past nine months.

On that occasion, President Brajović stated that the Parliament of Montenegro has cherished the program of Democratic Workshops "Barbara Prammer" with great pleasure and responsibility, and that in addition to its basic activity, through numerous programs and events, it has demonstrated openness to participate in the further modernisation of society.

- If we contribute with democratic workshops in the Parliament of Montenegro for concepts such as civil society, respect for diversity, strengthening of institutions, accountability and the rule of law, to become common and something to be implied in the future everyday life of our children - we did a good job. By understanding these concepts, we prepare our future generations to use them in mutual communication, attitude towards work and its surroundings. We teach them why respecting the law means respecting oneself and other people, both in their own country and everywhere in the world - said the President of the Parliament.

Addressing attendees of democratic workshops, President Brajović stressed the importance of what they learned on a daily basis in family and school, but also the importance of knowledge acquired through democratic workshops.

- You will soon be the most important promoters of your country, Montenegro, both here and in European institutions, and your future will be part of the European union of nations. Our task is to do everything in our power to make the country you live in closer to the European Union with each day. To make Montenegro more stable, stronger and more modern, to make it be a country you are proud of, as our ancestors did back in the day, so today we adults are proud of Montenegro - President Brajović concluded, convinced that with democratic workshops in the Parliament of Montenegro a step closer has been made to such Montenegro.

Certificates were presented today to 3,214 participants, coming from 56 primary schools from the entire territory of Montenegro, from "Mirko Vešović" High School of Economics and Madrasah "Mehmed Fatih" from Podgorica, as well as attendees of the English Access Microscholarship Program, who had attended workshops in this cycle.

At the ceremony in Villa "Gorica", with the presence of MPs, representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organisations, pupils from the elementary school "Njegoš" from Cetinje presented themselves with the artistic program.

"Barbara Prammer" Democracy Workshops are an educational programme of the Parliament of Montenegro, within which the children of primary school age learn about: parliamentary democracy, functioning of the parliament, adoption and implementation of laws, institutions and values of the European Union, as well as human and children's rights.

Until now, 29,174 attendees from 123 primary and two high schools participated in the program.

Speech of the President Brajović at the ceremony of presenting certificates to attendees of "Barbara Prammer" Democracy Workshops programme



Video coverage – Presenting certificates to attendees of "Barbara Prammer" Democracy Workshops programme
