Wednesday, 25 January 2017 18:51

Expert help of international organisations to institutions in the interest of development of the whole society

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today received UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative for Montenegro Ms Fiona McCluney.

The meeting discussed the cooperation of the Parliament with international institutions, need for objective consideration of achieved results, with the aim of finding the best models for development of the overall society.

Coordinator McCluny informed President Brajović about UN and UNDP Country Programme for the following five years, as well as about framework plan containing 17 sustainable goals. They assessed that the Parliament of Montenegro had very important role in implementing this plan.

President Brajović expressed readiness of the working bodies of the Parliament of Montenegro to participate in the implementation of the project “Parliamentary Oversight in Public Finance Management”, after the procedure including other state bodies is finished.

- We can be satisfied with the intensity and dynamics of joint activities, the degree of implementation of the planned projects and strategically oriented programs that support developmental needs of Montenegro. Expert help of international organisations in reforming and strengthening the capacity of institutions, implemented within the process of European integration, is particularly important for our country, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović said.


Youtube: Meeting Mr Brajović - Ms McCluney

Cloud: Meeting Mr Brajović - Ms McCluney