Thursday, 27 June 2019 15:39

President of Parliament talks with the delegation of the Igman Initiative

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović hosted today the delegation of the Igman Initiative: Mr Zoran Pusić from Croatia, Mr Aleksandar Popov from Serbia, Mr Vehid Šehić from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Mr Branislav Radulović and Mr Branko Lukovac from Montenegro.

The meeting was organised on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Igman Initiative, to be marked next year.

President Brajović stressed the importance of good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation, as one of the priorities of Montenegro's foreign policy, which has been successfully implemented in continuity. He reminded of the fact that the Igman Initiative has significantly contributed to the restoration of trust and tolerance during the two decades of activities, to the improvement of good neighbourly relations, and the overcoming of all types of discrimination in the signatory countries of the Dayton Agreement.

- It is important that the opportunities exist for us to exchange positive experiences. That is why the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Igman Initiative is important so that we can exchange good practices and preserve the previous achievements of the Initiative, President Brajović said.

Interlocutors agreed that the common goal of institutions and civil sector of the countries of the region should be further democratisation of societies through strengthening the rule of law, the exercising of human and minority rights.

The Igman Initiative is a regional network consisting of representatives of civil sector, media, local self-governments, as well as economic and political analysts who design projects aimed at providing support to the improvement of relations between the countries of the so-called Dayton Agreement.

