Monday, 01 July 2019 15:33

President of Parliament hosts the Ambassador of the Republic of Finland in an inaugural visit

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, hosted today the newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Finland to Montenegro, Mr Kimmo Lähdevirta.

President Brajović congratulated on Finland's taking over the presidency of the Council of the European Union of today, expressing the expectation that the following six months will be successful both for Finland and Montenegro, and that the European perspective of the Western Balkan countries would remain high on the priority agenda. Placing emphasis on friendly relations between the two countries, President Brajović wished the ambassador a successful mandate, convinced that the cooperation of the two countries would be further strengthened.

Ambassador Lähdevirta stressed that during its presidency of the Council of the European Union, Finland will make the enlargement policy credible, as recently confirmed by their foreign minister. Recognising the successes of countries after joining the European Union, the Ambassador stressed that the citizens of Finland perceived the enlargement very positively, and that the processes of internal consolidation of the Union and the integration of the region should take place simultaneously.

Bearing in mind all the more important role of parliaments in the enlargement process, the interlocutors stressed the importance of further strengthening of parliamentary cooperation with the aim of providing better information to their MPs on the reforms and the results that Montenegro has been achieving in key areas.

VIDEO: President of the Parliament receives the Ambassador of Finland

