Tuesday, 31 January 2017 15:14

Precious exchange of experience between Montenegro and Indonesia

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today received H.E. Harry Richard James Kandou, non-residential Ambassador of Indonesia to Montenegro.

They noted that overall bilateral relations of Montenegro and Indonesia have been constantly on the rise, particularly emphasising the importance of economic cooperation. The interlocutors stressed that high level contacts have been significantly contributing to improving cooperation in different fields of interest of the two states. Trade growth was positively assessed as well as the previous exchange of experience in the field of tourism and education.

President Brajović welcomed the initiative of Indonesia to appoint an honorary consul for Montenegro, which will contribute to strengthening economic and cultural ties between the two countries.

Ambassador Kandou expressed satisfaction with the effects of the participation of Indonesia at meetings organised in Montenegro and urged support for his country's membership of international organisations.