Friday, 12 July 2019 15:19

President of the Parliament congratulates Statehood Day of Montenegro

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović  congratulated to the citizens of Montenegro Statehood Day - 13 July:

“Each year, 13 July - the Statehood Day of Montenegro is an opportunity to remember 1878 and the Berlin Congress, and then the heroes of the magnificent anti-fascist uprising of 1941. The Statehood Day is also an opportunity to reconsider whether we are worthy heirs of war-time and peace-time achievements of our ancestors. The reasons for satisfaction and pride are many, but there are also expectations for even better results.

Montenegro traced a good path. It is not an easy one and not without its challenges. Thought their support, the citizens of Montenegro are confirming that they want precisely that path of the Euro-Atlantic and European Montenegro - stable, modern and economically strengthened.

Serious efforts are made so that we can celebrate each next 13 July even closer to the EU, economically, infrastructurally and institutionally stronger. With its activities, the Parliament of Montenegro contributes to the progress of the entire society.   

I wish you a happy Statehood Day of Montenegro!”